Daily Sales Challenge Starts Tuesday September 3rd to Thursday September 5th

Daily Sales Challenge Starts Tues Sep 3rd to Thurs Sep 5th

How We're Able to Enroll 15-20 Clients Per Month and Keep Them. Using the Compounding Model and a Simple Conversion Eco-System

Join us September 3rd to 5th and you will...

Get our Entire System that has Resulted in 2,000+ Clients and $54 Million+ in client results

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. Add your Phone Number to receive a Bonus Training text to you.

Over 2,000+ Clients Have Used this System Already

The strategies covered in this challenge are hands down the BEST client acquisition and retention methods we've ever used...

"Jason, who is this for?"

The Daily Sales Challenge is for coaches who believe that business can and should be fun, simple and most importantly profitable.

Our business is designed to serve us and our life, not the other way around...

We have a few core beliefs that us and our clients live by... And here are a few of those:

Money: You want to build an extremely profitable coaching business, that gives you the freedom to invest, buy and enjoy the benefits of having real money. Money is a motivator, let’s not hide behind it and embrace growth. We prioritize profit, and peace of mind.

Moments: You want complete control of every ‘moment’. You want to spend time with family, travel and enjoy life, while also creating something special that impacts the lives of your clients and everyone around you. We’re big on “doing what YOU want” not what others expect or tell you to do. You dictate your moments not your calendar or clients.

Model: You want a simple compounding business model that grows month over month through the use of simple offers, rather than trying to constantly scale acquisition and stack thousands of sales calls. You’re after simplicity, predictability and consistency. The compounding model will show you the way.

Margin: You value profit in your business, but also margin in your own life. You want to have the freedom and ability to pick up and leave for a family trip. Or take the day off because your kid is unwell. By prioritizing margin in our time and money, we can truly experience real freedom.

Fun and Predictable: This journey is hard already, so we want to ensure we’re having fun and enjoying every step of the way. You love what you do, but only parts of it. We want you to fully step into and own your zone of genius, so you wake up every Monday excited to get after it. Which leads to predicability and consistency.

Will this work for me?

You're probably wondering...

"Ok Jason, is this actually for me? Have you worked with my niche?"

The simple answer is yes, I've worked closely with 2,000+ Clients and probably another 1,000+ through live events, trainings and other peoples programs.

I've seen your niche before and I can work with it.

However, if you don't fall within the below categories, I might not be able to help and that's ok.

  • Coach

  • ​Consultant

  • Facilitator

  • Teacher

  • Agency

  • Freelancer

  • Trainer

  • Service Provider

  • Copywriter

  • Video Editor

Basically if you provide a service and sell online

This will help you.

I will say this...

If you don't care about client results, or truly serving your people. Then I don't want you here.

I get it, you can make real money with this stuff, but I am not the person to help you.

The reason I do these events, is so I can amplify my impact. I help you get more clients, you transform someones life, thus I've indirectly made a difference.

Selfishly, that feels great and it's my mission. But unselfishly impact is what we do this for.

So if you don't give a damn about your clients results, then don't sign up.

Meet your Host & Trainer

Jason C Fox - Father, Husband, Entrepreneur and Average Boxer...

  • Worked with 2,000+ Clients

  • $54 Million in Client results

  • Lifetime average of 50+% close rate on calls

  • Creator of the Jason C Fox coaching empire

  • "All round good guy" - according to my Mum

I’ve been in this game for 7+ years, I spent a lot of those years building sales teams and systems.

I know what it takes to grow and grow fast.

I have had months where we’ve booked 100s of calls and enrolled 20-30+ HT clients.

I’ve scaled past $100k/mo with relative ease.

The issue:

I built a business of stress, frustration and one that I almost resented.

I had a team of 10, had multiple offers, several acquisition channels and I felt pulled in 100 directions.

I was so all-in on this model that the day my son was born, we were in the hospital and I was messaging clients, and even enrolling new clients because I had to.

It’s not what I wanted or what I want for my clients.

So I stripped everything back and decided to focus on building a compounding business model, that was fun, enjoyable and based on getting clients results vs. constantly acquiring new ones.

The business I have now is the best it’s ever been, we have cash in the bank, our profit margins are insane and I work because I LOVE it, not because I need to.

Do Our Systems Really Work?

Make Client Acquisition...

EASY and fun again

Spend 3 JAM PACKED days with me and you will leave with a Simple, Easy and PROFITABLE Client Acquisition System.. Here's what we will cover:

Day 1

The 'Compounding Model'

  • How to Quickly Test, Tweak and Validate an offer to your Buying Audience - everyone wants to talk about offers, no one talks about how to get them validated fast

  • How to use that info to create a No-Brainer Offer that will sell every day of the week

  • How we've built a business around client results vs. constant acquisition... and how it's THE most effective way to scale your own business

I'm going to show you how you can build an offer and sell it to a BUYING audience (Our audience is under 10k and has produced over $3M in sales)


Create a Hybrid Compounding Offer to Increase your LTV and Cash Collected, while also rapidly selling your offer...

Day 1

The 'Compounding Model'

  • How to Quickly Test, Tweak and Validate an offer to your Buying Audience - everyone wants to talk about offers, no one talks about how to get them validated fast

  • How to use that info to create a No-Brainer Offer that will sell every day of the week

  • How we've built a business around client results vs. constant acquisition... and how it's THE most effective way to scale your own business

I'm going to show you how you can build an offer and sell it to a BUYING audience (Our audience is under 10k and has produced over $3M in sales)


Create a Hybrid Compounding Offer to Increase your LTV and Cash Collected, while also rapidly selling your offer...


Create your very own Conversion Eco-System that is based on Fundamentals, Simplicity and Flow

Day 2

Conversion Eco-System

  • The EXACT process to Build a Buying Audience who raves about you and your products - this is the step NO ONE talks about

  • The 5 Content Types you need to produce on a weekly basis, to ensure you’re Attracting, Nurturing and Converting your audience

  • How we build on audiences on multiple platforms without additional effort

The Conversion Eco-System is the solution to the "Leaky Bucket" of a funnel you currently have. Once someone enters our world they never leave...


Create your very own Conversion Eco-System that is based on Fundamentals, Simplicity and Flow

Day 2

Conversion Eco-System

  • The EXACT process to Build a Buying Audience who raves about you and your products - this is the step NO ONE talks about

  • The 5 Content Types you need to produce on a weekly basis, to ensure you’re Attracting, Nurturing and Converting your audience

  • How we build on audiences on multiple platforms without additional effort

The Conversion Eco-System is the solution to the "Leaky Bucket" of a funnel you currently have. Once someone enters our world they never leave...

Day 3

Automated Sales Mechanism

  • The Step by Step Process on how we create a Funnel That generates, nurtures and converts prospects on auto-pilot

  • The secret to creating a community of buyers, who buy from you over and over again

  • Our exact set up that sells $47-$10k offers with little to no input from you or your team

  • Bonus: How to sell in DMs or Email without a Sales Call... this method works in almost any Niche with the right offer...

There's millions of dollars being left on the table by 99% of creators who think they need to convert their prospects at the first sign of interest. Use our Automated Sales Mechanism to nurture your prospects without an additional effort


How to create a "Community" of buyers, that Self-Convert into your offers

Day 3

Automated Sales Mechanism

  • The Step by Step Process on how we create a Funnel That generates, nurtures and converts prospects on auto-pilot

  • The secret to creating a community of buyers, who buy from you over and over again

  • Our exact set up that sells $47-$10k offers with little to no input from you or your team

  • Bonus: How to sell in DMs or Email without a Sales Call... this method works in almost any Niche with the right offer...

There's millions of dollars being left on the table by 99% of creators who think they need to convert their prospects at the first sign of interest. Use our Automated Sales Mechanism to nurture your prospects without an additional effort


How to create a "Community" of buyers, that Self-Convert into your offers

Make Client Acquisition... EASY and Fun again

Spend 3 JAM PACKED days with me and you will leave with a Simple, Easy and PROFITABLE Client Acquisition System.. Here's what we will cover:

Day 1

The 'Compounding Model'

  • How to Quickly Test, Tweak and Validate an offer to your Buying Audience - everyone wants to talk about offers, no one talks about how to get them validated fast

  • How to use that info to create a No-Brainer Offer that will sell every day of the week

  • How we've built a business around client results vs. constant acquisition... and how it's THE most effective way to scale your own business

I'm going to show you how you can build an offer and sell it to a BUYING audience (Our audience is under 10k and has produced over $3M in sales)


Create a marketing message that captivates your ideal audience & an offer that your clients NEED

Day 2

Conversion Eco-System

  • The EXACT process to Build a Buying Audience who raves about you and your products - this is the step NO ONE talks about

  • The 5 Content Types you need to produce on a weekly basis, to ensure you’re Attracting, Nurturing and Converting your audience

  • How we build on audiences on multiple platforms without additional effort

The Conversion Eco-System is the solution to the "Leaky Bucket" of a funnel you currently have. Once someone enters our world they never leave...


Create your very own Conversion Eco-System that is based on Fundamentals, Simplicity and Flow

Day 3

Automated Sales Mechanism

  • The Step by Step Process on how we create a Funnel That generates, nurtures and converts prospects on auto-pilot

  • The secret to creating a community of buyers, who buy from you over and over again

  • Our exact set up that sells $47-$10k offers with little to no input from you or your team

  • Bonus: How to sell in DMs or Email without a Sales Call... this method works in almost any Niche with the right offer...

There's millions of dollars being left on the table by 99% of creators who think they need to convert their prospects at the first sign of interest. Use our Automated Community Funnel to nurture your prospects without an additional effort


How to create a "Community" of buyers, that Self-Convert into your offers

Who Is This Challenge For?

This Is Not For You If:

  • You are just looking to make a quick dollar

  • What you are selling is not valuable for your end client

  • You believe just buying this will be enough to make you successful

  • You expect a technical how to guide on every product used

  • You expect me to be standing over you making sure you are taking daily actions

This Is For You If:

  • You Have an Online Business That Creates an Impact to your Customers

  • You Know Watching this Course Alone is Not Enough And You Will Take Action Daily

  • You are ready to show up daily to see results over time

  • You don't make excuses you just keep taking daily action

  • You are ready to fall in love with the process

  • No Matter what you will continue to grow and improve your service delivery

The Results We Are Getting With Our Clients

Get Our Step-By-Step guide to creating a winning sales system in half the time

Take A Look At EVERYTHING You're Getting Today!

  • The Compounding Offer Model - the Key to MRR and Cash

  • Building a Conversion Eco-System that works on auto-pilot

  • How to get maximum engagement on your Offers and Content

  • How we use our Socials to sell $199-$9k Offers DAILY

  • Free DM and Sales Script

  • Live Training and Q&A with ME

  • Giveaways

  • Much More

Sign up Today FREE

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this Hosted Live?

Yes the challenge will be hosted live on Zoom at 10am EST on each day. We will have VIP sessions 60 minutes before the start of the challenge. You can upgrade to VIP on the next page.

Will there be a replay?

Yes. The replay will be hosted in the Skool Community for the week of the challenge. VIPs will gain access to the replay for life and all other challenge replays.

How much does this cost?

The challenge is completely free. You are invited to upgrade your experience to VIP after your registration is complete.

Will this work for me?

Simple answer yes. BUT you have to be willing to take action. I worry about making this free because people won't value you it. So if you decide not to upgrade to VIP pretend you've paid $1k for this info. Even put $1k aside or take it out of your account to "feel it". Then give your all to this.

What Platforms do your methods work on?

We have this saying "we're platform agnostic" meaning we don't care what platform we're on, we make it work. We've used everything from IG, TT, FB, Twitter etc. We even have clients using our methods on LinkedIn and Youtube. So no matter your platform this will work.

How does this challenge work?

You register, you get into the Skool Group, you show up live 10am EST Tuesday to Thursday, and we show you what you need to do. Each day you will have homework and a workbook to go through so you can execute on what you have learnt.

Will I be able to ask Jason questions directly?

Yes. If you upgrade to VIP you get 60 minutes+ each day to get your questions answered directly on ZOOM. If you're not in VIP you can submit questions, but we may not be able to get to them each day. So if you have questions upgrade to VIP. You can do so at any time during or after the challenge to also get access to the replays.

Join The Challenge For Free Today

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*Earnings and income representations made by 4 Step Consulting and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results