Coaches Looking For Growth: Who have the skill, knowledge and desire, but need the systems, tactics and support

How You Can Get DAILY Intimate Coaching, from a Team Whose Done it 1,561 Times Already

Here’s your chance to utilize: 56+ Modules, 3 Group Calls/Wk., 1:1 Private Coach and The Hungriest Community of Talented Internet Entrepreneurs on the Planet

What if you could

  • Enjoy predictable, sustainable and consistent revenue

  • Spend time doing the things you love

  • Build a system and team that progress your business…

  • And do it all with the guidance and backing of people who have experienced every challenge you’re about to face

Join us... all for less than the price of a meal out

If you didn’t already know my name is Jason Fox, it’s safe to say that I might be the “World's Worst Influencer”. Having been in this industry for 7 years, and grown a total following across all platforms of just under… 20,000 followers. 

Why would you want to learn from me?

Out of those 20,000 followers, a little over 1,500 of them have decided to work with me.

That’s approximately 13% of my audience, so while I may be the world's slowest growing influencer, I’m up there with the world's best in terms of monetization…

Which I hope that’s what you’re here for. I can show you the tactics to grow, but I’d rather show you the tactics to extract $$ from your followers. 

This even works in the most obscure niches you can think of:

$20k a month in the Dating Niche

Using a simple funnel of Content -> DMs -> Sales Call. The best part is his content is created for him, the DMs are handled by a setter and he now has a sales rep taking the calls. So he spends his time traveling 

But it also works in the tried and true niches you might be in:

$100k/month in the Real Estate Coaching Niche

You need to know, my clients are badasses and they would have succeeded without me. But they come to me with no ego, and an open mind. 

Chadi was already successful, but we made a few tweaks to his community funnel and took him to $100k in a single month… oh yeah and that was during the Christmas/Thanksgiving period, notoriously the hardest months in Real Estate.

To whoever has landed on this page...

You're here for a reason

If you’re going to spend time with me today reading this, please promise me:

  1. You’ll be honest with yourself and where you’re at in your business

    (I learnt the hard way when I lost 3 clients because I thought I was smarter then my coach)

  2. You’ll forget about the “High-Ticket” industry for a brief moment, as I’m here to show you that’s not the only way

    (you’ll be shocked when you see our price)

  3. You’ll keep an open mind when it comes to numbers. Some of my clients' numbers are crazy (I realize that), but most are modest and totally achievable in a short period of time, which I can help you replicate. So read results that relate to you and your position.

For years now, I’ve noticed this trend:

“High-Ticket Coaching is becoming a D*** measuring contest”

It’s a race to who can charge the most and deliver the least…

That’s not for me, that’s why you’ll find Platinum to be especially intriguing.

Let me make a few assumptions:

  • You’ve probably taken a few courses

  • You’ve probably taken one or two coaching programs

  • You feel that those efforts have resulted in some but minimal progress

  • You’re now looking for a way to increase your income doing what you love

And the final one which I hope is true, if it is not, please jump off this page… now:

You Give A Shit about your clients and their results.

You’re in this for the money (let’s not lie to ourselves, the money helps) but you’re passionate about this and you’ve stuck to it because you want to make an impact in your clients lives, through the method you’ve chosen to pursue. 

If that sounds like you, good news. We can help. 

Side note: I’m happy you’re still here and didn’t quit, the world needs you. 

One of my clients Nick wanted to quit once, we didn’t let him… 

Nick was one of our very first clients, working away in a job he hated.

He’d show up to coaching calls… while at work

The first couple weeks, Nick actually hated me. He wanted to quit. In an almost instant transformation everything changed.

Nick started to sign client after client, crossing $10k/month, then doubling his prices. 

This was due to the compound effect, which we will cover.

What is Platinum?

In the last few years we’ve spent over $120k on coaching, mentorships, masterminds etc. 

Was it all worth it? Short Answer no… but we made it worth it.

The common theme we noticed is that joining bloated coaching programs where you’re lumped into a cohort of randoms and then handed off to an inexperienced coach who has no concept of your business

Then if you have questions you’re thrown to outdated modules… or worse you’re told “work on your mindset bro”

Been there before?

Yeah, me too. 

We found most of our success from:

  • Support and advice from an expert/the main person 

  • Group Support and coaching regularly

  • Access through chat to a coach to ask quick questions

  • Actionable content that isn’t theory based or 60+ minutes long

The problem?

That stuff is rare, and most people charge $30k+ to give you that, because they want to be “Scalable bro”

The reason why they need to take on far too many new clients every month just to feed their exorbitant ad spend and team budget. 

Leaving them with horrible profit margins and their hair falling out from the stress…

Oh, they also Churn and burn 90% of their clients, leaving no room for error. 

We do things a little differently. 

The average client will stay with us for 1.5 years, meaning over half will stay for longer. 

Sometimes we will tell you to move on (yes god forbid an honest coach) if your goals have changed or you need a new mentor to grow past a certain revenue point. 

Let me get this clear, if you’re looking to scale a team of 10 to $200k/month, Platinum isn’t for you. Even our Diamond program isn’t.

Our focus is lean profitable FUN businesses. 

Because clients stay with us for so long it gives us Unlimited Scale. And allows our focus to be on you… not constant revenue chasing.

Every month our bills are paid at the START of the month. Where every other coach focuses on End of Month Revenue.

Giving us freedom to travel, enjoy life and if we want... scale

Without the desperation stink of “having to make a sale”.

Back to it, What is Platinum?

Platinum is where we show you the systems, strategies and skills to grow your business.

Our System Focuses on:

  • Offer, Messaging and Branding

  • Client Acquisition Systems

  • Sales Eco-Systems

  • Systems and Scale

Logistically we achieve this through:

  • 1:1 Coaching Onboarding Call

  • Group Coaching

  • Module Content

  • Community

All of this is what you’d see in $30k masterminds, we’re charging a little over 1% of that. 

But with results like a mastermind...

Client Wins

Why Can I Help?

As I mentioned earlier, I'm known widely (meaning myself and my team) as the “Worlds Worst Influencer” because of my inability to grow 200k followers on Instagram. 

I’ve been working in this space for 7+ Years, first as an agency then in the last 4 as a coach.

We’ve generated Multi-7-Figures for our business, all without an enormous team, crazy ad spend and while I juggle being a Dad. 

We’ve generated 8-Figures+ in client results and have worked with some titans in this industry. 

Look, I’ll drop the world worst influencer title, we have hundreds of ways to grow a following, all I want you to know is that you only need a few hundred, maybe just over a thousands followers to make more than most Doctors. And that’s what we can show you.

Now for some reality

Platinum is a tight community and we ONLY accept 10 people a month - so if you’re on this page it means there are spots available, but depending on the timing they may be limited. 

If you’re here just to make a quick buck and bounce, just do the bouncing now.

We’re here for long-term relationships, and if you decide to leave Platinum (which is totally cool, no contracts) you will be put on a waitlist if you want to come back. 

Let me breakdown what you get access to when you join Platinum

Offer, Messaging & Branding

What we focus on:

  • ​Onboarding, Roadmap and Action Plan Call​

  • ​Weekly DM/App Setting Private Group Call

  • ​​Weekly KPI Reviews

  • ​​Daily Action Reviews and Instant Feedback

Modules on the inside:

  • The Perfect Niche

  • The 'No-Brainer' Offer

  • The Elevator Pitch Statement

  • ​Branding Brilliance

  • Messaging Masterclass

  • Pricing

  • Lifelong Clients & Subscription Offers

Client Acquisition Systems

What we focus on:

  • ​Create Content That Converts

  • Traffic and Audience Building

  • Your Ideal Conversion Process

  • Mastering DMs

Modules on the inside:

  • The Goal Of Content

  • Content Types

  • Automated Traffic Building

  • Profile Optimisation

  • The FULL DM Script

  • And Much More...

Sales Eco-System

What we focus on:

  • ​Sales Process vs. Sales Experience

  • How to create the ideal buying environment

  • What does a prospect need to see before buying

  • Our Full Sales System, scripts, templates and SOPs

Modules on the inside:

  • Sales Psychology

  • Strategy Session Script

  • The Presentation Pillars

  • Objection Handling

  • Sales Roleplay

  • And Much More...

Systems and Scale

What we focus on:

  • Onboarding Processes and Retention

  • Getting ready for building a team

  • Templates, SOPs and Tools

Modules on the inside:

  • Client Onboarding & Delivery

  • Creating an amazing customer experience

  • Team Hiring Overview

  • Hiring your first/next team member

  • And Much More...

How we Implement This With You

Intimate Coaching

What you get:

  • 1:1 Onboarding Call with our Head Coach

  • Support from our entire team

  • KPI and Content Reviews

  • Help with Scripting and SOPs

Group Calls

What you get:

  • 3 x Group Coaching Calls a Week

  • Each Call Focused on a Different Topic

  • General Q&A Available on every call

  • GUARANTEED: Always get your question answered, calls don't end unless everyones question is answered

Module Content

What you get:

  • 56+ Modules

  • Templates, SOPs, Scripts

  • Access to our systems

  • Examples, Walkthroughs and Tutorials


What you get:

  • Private community of killer entrepreneurs

  • Updates, the latest trainings, tactics and insights

  • Support with engagement and content

  • Private group chat with assigned coaches

Recent Client Wins

We are fully committed to growing your business...

it’s what we dedicate our lives to

As I said, Platinum is "Mastermind" level of support without the price tag...

A lot of coaches charge $5,800+ for everything included in this program.

We've charged $6,000+ for this information and level of support.

Instead we're simply charging... $2,000 for 8 weeks of fast paced coaching.

Just $2,000

No Crazy upsell (although you will get $2k credited towards Diamond partnership)

Just a simple $2,000

Now, I'm not going to tell you to join, get the info and run. We believe to achieve anything great in this business you need to be committed for the long term, therefore we recommend utilizing every second of the 8 weeks you get with us.

Does that mean it will take 8 weeks to get results?

Hell no... we've seen people ROI in the first few days. But to get true lasting change and significant results, the longer the better.

Plus you'll build life-long connections and friends in our community.

What's Included:

  • ​Onboarding, Roadmap and Action Plan Call​

  • Private Channel with our team

  • ​Weekly DM/App Setting Private Group Call

  • ​​Weekly KPI Reviews

  • ​​Daily Action Reviews and Instant Feedback

You’ll also receive these Bonuses worth over $3,000

  • Live Event Library
  • ​Reverse Engineering your Goals Worksheet
  • ​Profile And Marketing Audit
  • SOPs and Templates
  • ​App Setting Role play
  • ​​Offer Review Audit

Let me sum it up for you..

Platinum is a program designed to give you insider access to high ticket coaches who have been able to sustainably grow a coaching business.

We want to give you intimate Daily Support so you never miss a step and take action without waiting for weekly calls.

When you join the program you will get instant access to your very own private dashboard. On that dashboard you will find 56+ HD training lessons covering our full 4Step System. Then you will be directed to give us some info, so we can prepare for your 1:1 Onboarding call where will put together your daily actions, KPIs and future action plan to consistently grow.

Still not sure? Book a call below to chat with someone from our team

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this program right for me?

If you currently run or want to start a coaching/consulting/agency business and want to be extremely profitable, then yes this is the place for you to be. 

How long do I have access for?

You will have access to the community and the coaching for 8 weeks - this is designed to implement fast, if you want to have the info for longer there's a continuation fee that we will walk you through on your off boarding call

I'm already in another program should I still join?

Yes, we have people who have taken every program under the sun, but struggled to get results. Then they join Platinum and they've completely unlocked there business. Because of the cost, you can join this and be in other Higher ticket programs. But don't say we didn't warn you when we say "This will blow them away".

What kind of support is available in the program?

Every week you have access to a group coaching call with Jason, the first portion Jason will teach a new topic/sub-topic.

Then in the remaining time, Jason opens up Q&A, so you can get the help/support you need. 

We also have a community platform, where you can ask questions to the community, but also to the several coaches we have in there. They will answer your questions is as much detail as possible, to ensure you get on the right path. 

What Platforms do your methods work on?

We have this saying "we're platform agnostic" meaning we don't care what platform we're on, we make it work. We've used everything from IG, TT, FB, Twitter etc. We even have clients using our methods on LinkedIn and Youtube. So no matter your platform this will work.

You're Still Here..

If you're anything like me you probably scrolled all the way down here to see the price and offer... I'll give it to you. However, I'd encourage you to make the best decision possible by giving this full letter a read, so you know you're making the best decision.

Introducing The Platinum Program, we will show how you can grow your business profitably, sustainably and consistently. Here's what's included:

  • The Complete 4 Step Coaching System

  • 1:1 Onboarding, Roadmap and Action Plan Call​

  • Private Channel with our team

  • ​3 x Weekly Private Group Call

  • ​​Weekly KPI Reviews

  • ​​Daily Action Reviews and Instant Feedback

You’ll also receive these Bonuses worth over $3,000

  • Live Event Library

  • ​Reverse Engineering your Goals Worksheet

  • ​Profile And Marketing Audit

  • ​SOPs and Templates

  • ​App Setting Role play

  • ​​Offer Review Audit

The membership is only $2,000 - no lock-in contracts or minimums.

We've helped 1,500+ people in the last 7 years, we can help you to.

Join the Platinum Membership

Let's Grow...

What's Included:

  • ​Onboarding, Roadmap and Action Plan Call​

  • Private Channel with our team

  • ​Weekly DM/App Setting Private Group Call

  • ​​Weekly KPI Reviews

  • ​​Daily Action Reviews and Instant Feedback

You’ll also receive these Bonuses worth over $3,000

  • Live Event Library
  • ​Reverse Engineering your Goals Worksheet
  • ​Profile And Marketing Audit
  • SOPs and Templates
  • ​App Setting Role play
  • ​​Offer Review Audit

Ready To Join Us?

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