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Jason C Fox Juggle

002: Your Business Style

October 16, 20233 min read

The journey of an internet entrepreneur typically looks like this:

  • Stumble upon “Big Guru” who changes your mindset (Tate, Tai Lopez, Sam Ovens, Hormozi)

  • Research more about the business model

  • Buy cheap or old course from Big Guru

  • Not learn a lot but gets you started

  • Buy a program from smaller guru

  • Follow their strategies

  • Win or Lose

And a majority of the time it’s lose.

Then buy another program, then another. And you’ll continue to lose until you realize this.

You must find YOUR own business style. Then make that work.

I’ve struggled for years with this concept. Constantly joining program after program adapting my buisness to suit the mentor I was working with. It’s a tedious and tiresome endeavor.

Most people stay stuck on it, and are left with frustration and despair.

99% of business coaches will be horrible for you, because the only way they can teach is to mold you into a mini-version of them. Because it’s easy for them to coach and it’s easy for them to blame you when you don’t get results.

Stop me if you’ve heard this one:

“It’s your mindset bro”

“You didn’t follow the modules bro”

Yeah… I’m sure you have.

It’s not completely the coaches fault, they are just perpetuating the cycle that was built long before them and will stay long after them. It’s time for a change.

And the change that needs to occur is simple:

We need to be about finding our “Business Style”.

Athletes do this all the time, specifically in combat sports. You’re taught to model certain fighters based on your personality and your athleticism.

For me, I’m an aggressor, I like to hunt and stalk the opponent, then counter punch them. Similar to Canelo Alverez (No I’m not comparing myself to him… stop).

So how can you do this in business.

Well at the risk of sounding like a complete hypocrite: You have to model what works… but from people similar to you and with similar styles.

I enjoy low-ticket and MRR offers. Easy to fulfill, low to no stress and complete freedom. That’s my style, that’s how I want to operate.

It’s the age old adage: “Build the business you want” - but to many of us ignore that and build someone elses vision of a perfect business.

So it’s time for you to shake it up. Set aside 30 minutes and do the following:

Who has my ideal business? - Spend 10mins investigating if it’s true

What products do they offer?

What platforms do they post on?

What traffic sources do they use?

How do they convert clients?

Investigate all of this and form a business plan around it.

BUT… make it your own.

If they sell SAAS but you can’t be bothered… drop it and add something else.

If they have a HT offer on the back end but you don’t want that… drop it.

Let people ahead of you do the hard work, then figure out how you can customize this for your own business

And make it your “Business Style”

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