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008: How we consistently rake in $5k every weekend with “mini-launches”

October 31, 20234 min read

How we consistently rake in $5k every weekend with “mini-launches”

  • Without a huge email list

  • Without a huge following

  • Without having to create “cohorts”

Simple, no delivery, and almost completely automated

Here are the 5 Steps we use to ensure we hit these “mini-launches” out of the park.

Before we dive into the steps, let me clear things up:

You don’t need a big list, we tested this with a client who had under 400 subscribers and they still raked in over 5k

You don’t need to sell High Ticket, we consistently do these “mini-launches” with $97 - $497 courses/products.

If you do have a smaller list, to achieve $5k your prices need to be a little higher, as you won’t be able to make up the volume.

I’ll give you a breakdown on how to build a sizeable email list another time. For now, let’s get into it:

Step 1: Pre-Launch - Objection handling and Perspective Shifting

Prior to launching, your subscribers MUST believe that what you’re going to sell is the key to unlocking their growth/goals

We recently launched a DM Course, so the week prior to the launch we created 7 emails showcasing how DMs are THE most effective way to book more calls and make more sales.

We consistently throw rocks at our enemies and handle any objections which we know come up. E.g. To time heavy, don’t know what to say etc.

A majority of people miss this part, you need to prime your list before launching.

Step 2: Sub-List

The Sub-list is THE most powerful way to increase conversions.

2-5 days before your launch day, start promoting a special sub-list. We call ours “The First Dibz Club”. This club allows the subscribers to get access to the product 24 hours ahead of everyone else.

Plus they get exclusive bonuses and a discount.

The sub-list isn’t just to make extra sales, it’s to train your subscribers that getting in early means you can get a better deal, so for the next launch they won’t miss out.

We usually launch to the sub-list on a Friday and we give them 24 hours to purchase at a discount and get exclusive bonuses.

Step 3: The Launch

The launch typically happens Saturday Morning, with the first email going out at 6am.

Your first email is very simple, just detail the offer. BUT most peoples next 5 emails will be something along the lines of “hey buy my crap”.

When in reality, no one will open your emails.

I sent an average of 4 emails a day for 7 days. I lost 25 subscribers and maintained an open rate of 40%+


The launch emails still need to tell stories, break limiting beliefs, be entertaining and ultimately sell your product.

With your launch emails consistently demonstrate the benefits of your product through stories and case studies.

Step 4: Handle the last few objections

Half way through a launch, only then do we introduce the big guns.

The two big weapons we use:

  1. Buy now, Pay Later

  2. Bonus Implementation calls

We have in built payment gateway that allows our customers to pay $0 now and then pay it off in 4 - 10 payments. Which is pretty crazy considering we only charge max $497. But it works!

This handles the money objection.

Then we add in a bonus implementation call. It’s not completely needed, but we recieved a lot of “I need more support” emails. So we throw that in to handle any last minute objections.

Step 5: Follow up - This is a ninja move

We’re known as being the “DM” guys and for good reason, we’ve booked tens of thousands of calls all through DMs.

So it wouldn’t be right if we didn’t utilize our greatest weapon.

When people join our list they give us their full name, and we track what platform they come from. So we have 10k+ names and social media profiles.

We’re connected to a majority of them. So when people abandon check out, or they visit the page we get our VA and Setter to Hand to Hand combat.

We follow up with everyone, this nets us 20+ more sales EASILY. Plus it allows us to get the objections/worries directly from the horses mouth.

We usually do this half way through the launch, then change the launch emails to handle the objections we get in DMs. I don’t see anyone else doing this, not at the volume we do.

It’s brilliant and can make a lot of people a crap load more $$.

That’s it… That’s the game plan for you hitting $5k in a weekend.

We do this 2-3 times a mounth. We have $10k weekends and $5k weekends. Best part is it’s all bonus $$ as our memberships, high ticket and evergreen products produce the majority of our income.

I’m running an email workshop in the next few weeks where we will do ALL of this with you from offer to writing emails. If you’re interested, here is the doc with all the details: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15hx0n26WgOGjbKdbRy-TbhF1llZk3F438WVOMCaJiLQ/edit?usp=sharing

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