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003: Not ‘Playing The Game’ is costing you

October 17, 20232 min read

Bad news.

You have to play the game.

Right now you’re not and it’s costing you a Sh*t load.

Every day I go through the struggle of completely contradicting the yesterdays version of myself.

It’s like a sports fan who hates his team when they lose and then loves them when they win. Or in my case (being a Dallas Cowboys fan) I hate my team in the first half of the first quarter and then love them more then anything in the second half. I alternate between hate and love frequently.

Yesterday i talked about ‘Your Business Style’ and how you have to find what works for you.

And today I’m going to crap on about ‘Playing the Game’.

Let’s clear that up first. Your business style is about your products, offers and the way you sell. That can be completely different to most people.

But you also have to stick within what works, particularly with content.

I’m all for big outlandish ideas, but let’s all be honest with each other here. Simple, quick, easy to digest content works.

And it’s a big reason why I’m now doing long form content (like this) off platform. My goal is to condense this article into something short and punchy, then post that.

Then… post the link to this article below it.

It’s using short-form content for attraction, then long-form for nurture and conversion.

It works…

So what exactly do I mean by ‘playing the game’

You need to play by the rules of the “content game” and that means you have to do what works vs. what you want.

The best example of this is my client Xander, who posted a video that recieved 1.6 Million views. Thousands of followers and hundreds of DMs… basically unlocking unlimited lead flow.

Big Client Win

Now was it the most creative piece of content? No

Was it something he loved creating? No

But it worked… it generated leads.

And that’s the game.

That’s why we are here. We are here to generate leads and make F*cking money. I’m here to sell you. I’m in your inbox or on your screen because I want to sell you something.

We’re not Mr. Beast. We’re not here to create content and hope that leads to something.

Playing the game is doing what works. Yes mix in your personality, mix in your creativity. I’m not telling you to just follow everyone else. I’m saying play the rules, do what works but add your spice.

And honestly, I forget the rules. I get so caught up in wanting to be different that I don’t produce the content that works.

It’s ego. None of us are above ‘the game’ even big creators.

So, let’s play. Add our own spice and win… together

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