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Content Framework

005: Content Hack That's Transformed my Life

October 18, 20233 min read

Content is the game, you don't need me to spell out how important it is.

You're here because you understand that it's no longer optional.

It's a MUST if you want to succeed in this world.

I've worked with over 1,500 people. And every single one of them have the same struggle:

"How can I produce more and better content consistently?"

I have a million ways to answer this question, from creating a dream 100, to using AI, to interviewing people etc. etc.

But the way I'm going to answer this question may be the most helpful bit of information you'll get in 2023.

Over the last year, I've read 10+ books on copywriting.

Has my copywriting improved?

I'd argue yes. But it's still a 'weakness' of mine and the only way to get better is to keep writing. Which is why I'm writing this.

Another way to get a lot better is to 'model' what works.

Copywriting isn't all about the words on paper.

A large part of copywriting is formatting and giving the reader an "eye-gasam".

You've probably noticed over the last 10 years. Writing fundamentals have changed.

My High School English teacher would absolutely murder me if they saw the way I write now.

He would hound me for more paragraphs and more... look I failed english so paragraphs are about as far as I can go.

Even as you read this post, you can see the sentence lengths vary, I mix up the tempo, I keep you engaged.

Nothing I'm saying is all that amazing.

But you keep reading...



When trying to get more people to read your content, you need to focus in on how your content looks.

It's just as... if not more important then what you say.

A concept Joe Sugarman created called the 'Slippery Slope'.

And example would be this:

You're going to want to read this.

It's a story that blew my mind.

And it could happen to you tomorrow.

It happened to my brother.

And he woke up with a black eye.

The story started 3 weeks ago

Every line is designed to get you to read the next line. Until you're at the end of the story, and you think crap... I didn't even want to read this.

Now, I'm not here to give you a full copy writing lesson. I'm here to give you a content hack.

So let's dive into it.

I produce 5-10 pieces of written content a day. You might think that's a lot and requires a lot of creative thinking. It really doesn't.


Once you find a style and format that works, swap it out and NO ONE will know.

If you follow me on any platform, you'll see this at play. But you probably didn't notice until now.

50% of my posts follow this exact format:


Sub headline

- point 1

- point 2

- point 3


Call to action/conclusion

Here are a few examples:

Jason C Fox FB ScreenshotJason C Fox FB Screenshot 2

They don't work every time. But you can see I'm using a specific format. Then I swap out the text and main idea.

I've even used the same main idea, but changed the text, and usually the second time of posting it does better then the first. Again... NO ONE notices.

I do this for long form posts to.

I find a length that works, a style of headline and sub-headline, then plug in the words later.

This is one of the best hacks I've ever used.

And it's so simple.

Find a format, mix up the words and get posting.

If you want help with content, we just filmed a FREE new training on our complete content framework

This training will cover:

The Goal of Content - Hint it’s not impressions

The 3 Stages of Content - That most people skip

Creating your “Big Idea” - Only successful creators have this

The ONLY 5 Types of Content you will need

And much more…

Want access click here: jasoncfox.com/content

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