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007: Your Daily Actions

October 25, 20235 min read

Wake up

Get hyped for the day

Smash through a huge coffee

Sit down at your desk and think WTF do I do?

Read some BS

Watch some BS

Post some BS

The days over and nothing was achieved.

This is the life of far too many entrepreneurs. Overwhelmed by all the things they “should be” doing, only to end up doing nothing of any real significance.

I’m writing this article for 2 reasons:

  1. I want to end the ‘guilt’ you feel when you’re not working by showing you how to work on needle movers

  2. Give you a game plan, that will end your entrepreneurial struggle and allow you to truly grow

We’re going to break this down into 4 areas of focus, before we do that I want you to grade on a scale of 1-5 (we use this so there is no middle, it’s either good or it sucks) in these 4 areas:

Lead Generation - How good are you at bringing in new leads?

Lead Nurture - How good are you at nurturing and booking calls with current leads?

Lead Conversion - How good are you at converting calls into sales

Retention and Upsell - How good are you at keeping clients and nurturing them

Once you’ve ranked these 4 areas - we can break down what area is most important and what area needs to most focus. Typically, it’s lead nurture, most people aren’t willing to admit that they actually have all the leads they’ll ever need, they’re just bad at nurturing and converting them.

I’ve grown a $3m business through a max of 10k followers across all platforms. Pretty crazy right? That’s due to my lead efficiency and turning as many leads as possible into sales. If you’ve ever wanted help with this we cover a lot of these strategies in platinum: https://jasoncfox.com/platinum

Let’s dive into the tasks you need to be hitting each day to grow. Again, re-order these as you see fit and based on your areas of weakness:

NOTE: A majority of these tasks can be handed off to a VA, Setter or someone within your biz. You may seem ‘above’ some of these tasks, but I guarantee you by not doing them, your business growth will be slowed. No matter how simple these tasks appear to be, you should still implement them in your business right away

Lead Generation

This area is bottlenecked by the owner of the business. If you can’t generate leads, then you don’t really have a business, here are the tasks you need to be performing everyday to generate more leads:

  1. Content - 2 Posts a day - it’s not that hard to hit this volume, stop complaining

  2. 30 Comments on your preferred social platform - make these genuine and compelling not “nice post bro”

  3. Add 50 people a day - on FB use the add button on other platforms, follow and engage with 50 people a day

  4. Send 20 outbound DMs a day - if you need help with this get our free dm script here: jasoncfox.com/dm-script

That’s it. 4 simple easy tasks. When you’re growing you will probably need to produce more long form and more short form content, possibly even add in paid ads to accelerate growth. But in the early stages this is all you need.

Lead Nurture

I believe this is the most often overlooked part of every business. It’s not sexy, it’s not filled with dopamine, but it is by the most effective mechanism to sign new clients.

Lead nurture is the hard boring stuff. Here’s what it looks like:

  1. 30 Follow ups to opened messages - very simple, we show you how to do this in our ultimate DM course: https://jasoncfox.com/ultimate-dm-course

  2. 20 Follow ups to Leads in CRM

  3. 10 Follow ups to previous calls on calendar

  4. Send email to your list

The numbers are irrelevant in this circumstance, the whole goal is following up with leads you’re already in conversation with.

Lead Conversion

Everyone should be fairly good at this. It’s simply getting on sales calls and closing. And the tasks are very simple:

  1. Take Sales Calls

  2. Close Sales Calls

  3. Send re-offers to people who didn’t buy

Very simple and easy to execute on.

Retention and Upsell

Again another often overlooked part of everyones business. Retention and upsell isn’t just there so you can add more $$ to your bottom line, it’s also a way for you to improve your program and improve the results your clients get so that they see it as a no-brainer to continue to work with you.

  1. Check Client Comms app - we use discord: https://jointheden.com/

  2. Open every client chat - if no activity for 48 hours send check in

  3. Post in client community a win, a tip or something to generate engagement

  4. Check lagging clients

  5. Check payment plans/recurring of clients and follow up with whoever needs it

  6. Book renewal calls with people who have sub 30 days left

When you’re growing your business, you should be focused on this goal: how can I add so much recurring revenue that I will NEVER need a new client again. When you achieve this goal, you become completely self-sufficient and life becomes very very easy.


So here’s it put all together in one place and simplified:

  1. Content - 2x a Day

  2. 30 comments

  3. Add 50 people

  4. Send outbounds

  5. Send follow ups

  6. Send Email

  7. Take sales calls

  8. Follow up with existing clients

Those are the 8 tasks you need to be doing every single day. The good news if you ONLY do those tasks your day becomes a huge win. Thus simplifying your business and life…

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